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Training Packages

  • Private Training x5

    Discounted rate for private in-home training sessions.
    Valid for 5 years
    • x5 Private Training Sessions (in-home 30 mile radius)
  • Private Training x10

    Discounted rate for private in-home training sessions.
    Valid for 5 years
    • x10 Private Training Sessions (in-home 30 mile radius)
  • Owner-Assisted Service Dog Training

    *$100 Due Initially- See Details Below *
    • --Pre-Program Cost $100--
    • Training Consultation
    • Temperament Evaluation (C-BARQ)
    • --Remaining Program Cost $1900--
    • Service Dog Training Vest
    • x20 Private 1 Hour Training Sessions
    • Task Training Based on Needs
    • AKC CGC Evaluation
    • AKC CGCA Evaluation
    • AKC CGCU Evaluation
    • Owner Training Log
    • Public Access Test (PACT)
    • Certificate of Training

Owner-Assisted Service Dog Training

Navigating owner-training a service dog prospect can be challenging. By enrolling in our Owner-Assisted Service Dog training package you will have help along every step of the way! During this program you will be self-training your service dog with assistance from an experienced trainer. The program has a blend of one on one training and self-paced homework to help you understand the steps necessary to work toward your service dog training goals.


Before deciding to owner-train your dog as a service dog first consider if you are eligible for a service dog. Service animals work by using taught tasks to mitigate a disability. They are not trained to simply go places with their people to provide comfort or companionship. Please click here to learn about service animal requirements and laws from the ADA.


Other important considerations- even if your dog is temperamentally sound and willing to work your dog may not be fully trained by the end of this program. Service Dog training is continuous and you will need to work with your dog throughout their entire lives to keep their training sharp. Some dogs will pick up on tasks quick, some dogs may never pick up on certain tasks (for example- not all dogs will be able to alert to blood sugar highs and lows). Golden Paws Dog Training LLC cannot guarantee with 100% certainty that your dog will be able to perform any task needed as this is dependent on each individual dog. This program is not meant to fully train your dog, but rather act as a guide to help you along the way. We will do everything in our power to make sure your dog is learning the tasks and behaviors needed to be successful, but at the end of the day dogs are dogs. A lot of the success comes down to each individual dog and handler team.


Before enrolling into the full program all potential candidates must undergo a $100 pre-program evaluation which includes a temperament evaluation and an in-person consultation at a public location in Morehead, KY. Not all dogs will proceed to the training program if there are any flagged concerns regarding behavior. Not all dogs are able to work as service dogs and when selecting a prospect it is recommended you look for a socially stable dog that is non-reactive, biddable, and trainable. Stop and consider if your dog is people-reactive, dog-reactive, nervous in new settings, or afraid of sudden sights/sounds and unable to recover quickly. Only serious applicants are encouraged to apply for the pre-program evaluation. No refunds will be given if your dog is not accepted into the full training program.


The full program starts after passing the pre-program evaluations. The length of this is dependent on each dog and handler team. The package includes a training vest, CGC CGCA CGCU evaluations, x20 private training sessions, a training log, constant access to training tips via texting, a final public access exam, and a certificate of completion. The private training sessions will involve a mixture of education for the owner and training for the dog to learn the desired tasks and basic obedience. Owners are able to add on additional private training sessions at a later time if needed.


At the end of the program each team will take the PACT to move on from being considered a team "in-training". This test may be taken once the dog has met the standards set by the IAADP and has completed a minimum of 120 hours of training (30 hours of which must be in public locations), knows basic commands (sit, stay, come, down, heel), displays manners, and knows 2-3 service tasks.


After these requirements are met the team will undergo the final test. This test will evaluate the handlers ability to load and unload the dog from a car, enter a public place without losing control, recover the leash if dropped, respond to an employee asking ADA questions and the dogs ability to cross a parking lot, halt for traffic, ignore distractions, heel through isles, hold a sit-stay, hold a down-stay, hold a sit-stay with dropped food, hold a down-stay with food on the floor, remain calm if another person holds the leash, and remain calm if a dog passes within 6ft of the team.


Upon passing the PACT teams will no longer be considered in-training. A written letter certifying training and certificate of completion will be provided to all graduates.


If all of this sounds great and you are eligible for a service animal, serious, and willing to put in the work for the dogs entire life- contact us to get started with a pre-program evaluation!



Pre-Program Costs: $100

Temperament Evaluation (C-BARQ)

In-Person Dog Consultation (Public Location in Morehead, KY)


Owner-Assisted Service Dog Training Program: $1900

Service Dog Training Vest

x20 Private 1 Hour Training Sessions (in-home if within 30 miles or in-public in Morehead KY if greater than 30 miles)

Task Training Help and Guidance

AKC CGC Evaluation

AKC CGCA Evaluation

AKC CGCU Evaluation

Owner Training Log

Public Access Test (PACT)

Certificate of Training

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